Swimming pool upgrade and renovation projects

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Swimming pool contractors in DC, Virginia & Maryland offer pool renovation ideas

With a storm predicted to hit the east coast and with the calendar turned to November, chances are swimming has wrapped up at your home and in your backyard pool (and chances are you have turned your attentions to spending time in your hot tub!) and this makes it the ideal time to talk with your swimming pool contractor from Town & Country Pools about potential upgrades and updates to your pool.

At the end of the swim season, your pool contractor may recommend an end of the year inspection of the pool structure and its equipment. He automatic pool coverswill do a walk through with you and help you understand what, if any, upgrades or improvements should be undertaken.

When you’re talking with your swimming pool contractor in DC, Virginia, or Maryland here are some items that you may want to consider for a pool repair or upgrade project:

  1. Install and use a solar pool cover — consider an electric operated one as this will help prevent water loss due to evaporation and also helps reduce chemical loss from the evaporation process as well – this one accessory could offer a two-fold savings! Installing an automatic pool cover can make it easier to use a pool cover because you will be able to open it and close it at the push of a button. Using a solar cover also means you won’t have to run your heater as often – if at all.
  2. You may want to upgrade to a more efficient, or a different type, pool filter depending on whether your family’s needs have changed. Whether you decide to upgrade to a completely different style of filter, you may reap a savings. Sand filters, also known as DE filters, require backwashing on a periodic basis and this means during that process that your pool will lose up to 300 gallons of water during the process. A cartridge filter doesn’t need to be backwashed and are easy to clean and replace. Making a switch to this type of filter may be a change that makes sense.
  3. If you use a pool heater your contractor may advise a change in the location of the return jets. If your return jets are near the surface of the pool you could be losing some of the heated water. If your contractor installs an extender to the return jet, the heated water can then be directed toward the bottom of the swimming pool where it will be circulated throughout and warm the water more quickly. The extender, because it is improving the overall water circulation, may help prevent algae growth.

In some cases, a small change may effect a big impact on your family’s budget and the overall pool operating costs.